Welcome to Father Loves San Antonio



Father's Love Ambassadors to San Antonio

Terry & Sandy Blaser,

 The Blaser's, orginally from Missouri, have been married for 38 years. They answered a call into world missions, which transplanted them in San Antonio, Texas. For the past 15 years the Blaser's have partnered with Apostolic Indigenous Missions Leaders around the world and serve as a bridge between them and the Church.


Our invitation to you is that you would consider joining us in our mission to see this message get to every person, in every nation, in every language.  We encourage Pastors & Christian organizations to show the FLL DVD to their congergations, plus print off the FLL Letter/Card and arm every member with one of the most powerful tools for evanglism.  Together let us blanket our wonderful city with God's Holy Powerful Word!  For,"Yes, the Glory of God is about to kiss the earth!  Let your Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”!

Please consider joining us in fulfilling this God given mandate.


Working His Vineyard  ~Terry & Sandy Blaser~Fll Ambassadors,

San Antonio, Texas


Sandy also serves as Prophetic Worship Leader in numerous areas of the city of San Antonio.




'Father Loves San Antonio' In Association With www.FatherLovesOurCity.com
© 2006 Father Heart Communications